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October 24: Arrival of New Fresh Water Fish.

October 24: Arrival of New Marine Water Fish.


Included colors

Denisoni Barb

Denisoni Barb

Scientific Name: Puntius denisonii

Price: Upon Request

Origin: Asia: India

Family: Cyprinidae


Other Names: Red Line Torpedo Barb, Rose Line Shark, Barbus denisonii, Labeo denisonii, Crossocheilus denisonii, Denison's flying fox, Bleeding eye barb, Miss Kerala



Technical Info

Temperature: 20 - 25 ℃

pH: 6.8 - 7.8

GH: 5 - 25

Max size: 15 cm

Min Tank size: 190 Ltr

Position in Aqua: No special swimming level



The fish is characterized by a torpedo-shaped body with silver scales, a red line running from their snout, through the eye, back towards the middle of the body; and below the red line, a black line that runs the length of the fish to the tail. As they mature, a distinctive green/blue marking on top of the head develops. The fish attains a maximum length of 15 cm. They are active schooling fishes.



Ominvore; The Denisonii Barb, like most members of the genus, is not a picky eater. This fish will readily accept flakes, sinking pellets, and other processed foods, as well as small live and frozen foods. It will also eat many kinds of fruit and vegetables, and may pick at soft aquarium plants.



Over the years many efforts have been made to breed this rapidly depleting species in captivity with limited success.


Compatible with

Relatively peaceful but best kept with other riverine species such as Danio, Devario, Barilius, Garra, and more robust balitorine loaches which should make a very interesting biotope-style community. That said provided its oxygen and temperature requirements can be met it can be mixed with most peaceful fish too large to be considered food. It’s a schooling species so 6-10 specimens should be the minimum considered under ideal circumstances.



Adult females tend to grow a little larger, are heavier-bodied, and a little less colourful than males.