Green Anthias
Scientific Name: Pseudanthias hutchii Price: Upon Request Origin: Australia, Indo-Pacific Family: Serranidae NOT AVAILABLE NOW |
Other Names: Pseudanthias hutchi, Hutchie Green Anthias, Huchtii Anthias, Redcheek Anthias, Sea Goldie Anthias |
Technical Info
Temperature: 22 - 26 ℃
pH: 8.1 - 8.4
GH: 8 - 12
SG: 1.020 - 1.025
Max size: 10 cm
Min Tank size: 190 Ltr
Position in Aqua: Middle swimmer
The males collor is a yellowish green and they have an orange stripe that is horizontal behind the eye . The fins add to the beauty with a yellow/orange highlights and bright blue accents. The females are not as brightly colored as the males and share the same orange stripe behind the eye.
Zooplankton and floating filamentous algae. In the aquarium, it should be fed a varied diet of mysis shrimp, vitamin-enriched brine shrimp, frozen preparations and other meaty items for zooplankton feeders, small quantities of food several times per day.
Anthias species all share the trait of being hermaphroditic. If a dominant male perishes, the largest female of the group will often morph to take its place.
Compatible with
Because of their small size, they do not pose a threat to other fish and make wonderful reef inhabitants. A moderately hardy species, and needs to be maintained with non-aggressive tankmates.
They are an active species, and help to draw out shier fish within the aquarium.